The Alpha-Stim technology is compact –

but don’t let its size fool you. I packs a wallop!

I am a mental health therapist and I use the Alpha-Stim technology with 100% of my patients on a daily basis. But, don’t take my word for it. Here is what Psychologist, Kathy Platoni, at the Veteran’s Hospital had to say about the Alpha-Stim (AS):

“AS technology is the gold standard for adjunctive treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Every single one of my PTSD patients has one, whether Veteran or police officer. I have used this technology for 28 years in my practice and equally as widely in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have treated hundreds, if not thousands of civilians, Soldiers and Marines with Alpha-Stim. There are absolutely NO concerns whatsoever about using it with this population. As a matter of fact, I would be failing my patients if I didn’t use the AS technology. It reduces the internal distress and allows for the internal quiet so absent in those diagnosed with PTSD better than any other intervention I have ever used.”