THE MOST SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS DO THESE TEN THINGS: 1. Using your phone, tablet, or computer in bed. Backlit devices interfere with melatonin production. Turn it off approximately one hour before you desire to fall asleep. 2. Impulsively surfing the Internet. Contrary to popular belief, the human brain cannot multi-task. You are distracting yourself from the state of […]
Unprocessed trauma can cause you to filter your current experiences in a way that doesn’t serve you well. If you have never processed raw trauma, it stays stuck in the right brain. EMDR is the number one treatment for processing trauma. Traditional talk therapy rarely resolves deep-rooted (unprocessed) trauma. You can be free to live […]
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Treat your Panic Attacks like a Bully… First of all…words are powerful, for they modify the perception of this event. Let’s call the ‘attack’ an ‘episode.’ Stop giving the panic episode the same power as you would being mauled to death by a bear; now *that’s* an attack! ~Do you fear when your next panic […]