How to Reduce Childrens’ Nightmares: Turn off the news when kids are around. And limit their exposure to frightening movies and video games. Choose tranquil activities (no roughhousing or cartoons) at bedtime. Save the most relaxing one – a back rub, a story – for last, and make sure it happens in your child’s bedroom, […]
Building a relationship with your teenager may seem challenging at times. There, are, however neurobiological reasons why teens act the way they do. Understanding the premise of this behavior is paramount to building authentic and meaningful relationship with your teen. MY TEEN DOESN’T THINK THINGS THROUGH! ~Try not to take it personally. The prefrontal cortex […]
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Cool Facts
Cool Fact: Frequent complaining shrinks your hippocampus? My what? The hippocampus – the area of your brain that enables you to problem solve and be the intelligent human you are. ~ Yes, it does, according a study by Stanford University. And, just when the news couldn’t seem to be worse, the stress hormone, Cortisol, ‘floods’ […]