An alarmingly high percentage of entrepreneurs fail. With all of the positive information published in personal development books and more access to information/resources than ever before in history, I thought it was prudent to create a non-exhaustive list of things that would likely contribute to failure. As it turns out, personal accountability, daily habits and […]
Diffusing Anger
Diffusing Anger Veins popping. Eyes bulging. Heart pounding. Eyes glaring. Vision narrowing. Hands sweating. These are just some of the symptoms felt during anger. The emotional response is often associated with danger. However, it is a normal, and sometimes necessary, response to the environment. Anger helps us in many ways; it: releases adrenaline to numb […]
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Minimizing Matters…
America’s storage units are a shocking $22,000,000,000 industry. Incidentally, that shocking figure does not include the valuation of the items being stored. Minimizing does matter and many are jumping on the bandwagon. We live in a time of information & materialistic overload. And, we are constantly bombarded with retailers trying to separate us from our discretionary money. […]